Hello ladies! Here is a short-simple guideline on make up and secrets to healthy skin.
I’ve been in the modeling industry since I was 6 years old and I’ve been experiencing and experimenting with cosmetics ever since! And I’ve picked up a few tips from numerous make-up artists(MA) I’ve worked with in the past years so hopefully with my tips you’ll 1. Be looking fantastic at work, events and dates 2. maintain a routine to keep a healthy and fresh face!
Keepin’ it healthy:
Before starting to apply your make up always clean your face first! And do it anyway u like, here are what I suggest: wash with cool water OR dab toner onto cotton.
After a long exhausting day.. No matter how long your day was or how exhausted you are DO NOT sleep with your make up! You went through a whole day with that make up and now its covered with dust,dirt,pollution,ect. You do not want to sleep with a dirty face! THAT is what create PORES! So I suggest cleaning your face with a facial scrub so it’ll clean the dead cells too! People react differently to different products so go out and find the best scrub for you. I personally like the Garnier deep cleanser scrub. Do not be lazy about this because this is your beauty and health we’re talking about and we want to extend that as long as possible (the natural way if you know what I mean).
Before you go to sleep apply night cream or a detox cream. Go for natural elements such as avocado, vera aloe, seaweed, tea tree, honey&oats, vit E and vit C. The Body Shop and The Face Shop is famous for its natural components. Highly recommended for healthy skin.
Make Up Tips on the Natural Look:
1. Always have two shades of color: your color tone and one color lighter than your tone.
2.Apply your tone foundation completely covering your face then dab the lighter color on your T-zone(above the eye brow and down the nose) and around your eyes.
3. Apply powder that is your tone! Not lighter.
4.Shading your cheekbone with a light bronze to flaunt your facial features.
*MA tips: shading your nose giving it a good structure.
5. Create the eyebrows: take a brown(close to black) pencil liner and create the eyebrow starting from middle to end. The beginning of your eyebrow take a tiny brush and find the same color eye shadow and stroke that from the start of the eyebrow to the middle, this trick makes it look more natural.
*when creating your eyebrows its all about looking natural, your eyebrow should follow the brow bone.
6. Eyes: start with a reasonably thick eyeliner on your eyelid. After that smudge the line with a brush creating an eye shadow illusion. Then apply a cream colored eyeshadow completely on your eyelid. Then take a dark brown eyeshadow and brush the inside/hallow of your eyelid(this create features) then top off with your skin tone colored shiny eyeshadow on the arch of the brow line and out.
7. Mascara: Take your fav mascara and apply double! My fav is Maybelline Turbo-boost(bff).
*MA Tips: Learn to apply fake eye lashes! It is your new best friend if you don’t over exaggerate it.
8.*MA Tips: Apply liquid eyeliner on your eyelid start from outside to inside. Then, apply eye liner on the hair line of the bottom part of your eye but only half way: from outside half way to inside. This trick is to extend the feature of your eyes.
9. Apply blush: if possible have two tones of blush, one darker than the other. Start with the dark tone from the top of your ear and half way diagonally down to the bottom of your nose. The lighter tone is the other half. Just lightly start where the dark tone ended and stop till your cheeks. Cleen the brush and just give it a good few strokes to blend.
10.Apply lip gloss OR lipstick: since we are going for the natural look, find a light color of lip gloss/lipstick. Suggests pale pink, rose pink, or pale brown.
And now you have learned the basics of how to apply the Natural look. Experiment with this look add in your own ideas and feel comfortable and confident with what you choose.
Revlon has recently come out with mineral based cosmetics. Try it out!
Remember less is more! But that concept changes as u age LOL!
-Beauty is only skin deep, Beauty comes from within-
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